Brightheart lost her eye in a dog attack. Back when she was an apprentice Tigerclaw tried to kill Bluestar, after that Tigerclaw was banished from Thunderclan Bluestar stopped trusting her her clan mates and refused to make any apprentice but cloudpaw a warrior. Swiftpaw was furious, he trained much longer than all the others. So swiftpaw decided to find out what was stealing prey at snake rocks. Swiftpaw offered for the others to come but only brightpaw accepted. Not long after one of the apprentices told Fireheart about were they went, and Fireheart gathered some warriors to rescue them. But when they got there it was too late the dog pack killed Swiftpaw and Brightpaw lost an eye. taking them back to camp Brightpaw received her warrior name Lostface. Cloudtail wasn't happy with her name so when Fireheart became Firestar he asked for him to change Lostface's name. Firestar decided that from there on Lostface would be known as Brightheart! Soon after they had a kit and named it Whitekit.