Leafpool was Firestar's and sandstorm's daughter, and squirrelflight's sisiter
. Even when she was a kit leafpool wanted to be a medicine cat and leafkit became leafpaw, and cinderpelt's apprentice. When her sister and Brambleclaw left to the sundrown place leafpaw was the only cat who had known and kept it secret from the whole clan.just before her sister and brambleclaw came back twolegs took leafpaw and caged her. when she woke in the cage she found Brightheart, Cloudtail, Mistyfoot and a Windclan cat. While she was there she met a kittypet named Cody. When all the cats were saved and freed Cody stayed in Thunderclan for a while. On the journey to the new home leafpaw received a sign saying where their new home was. when they got to the new home she found the moonpool and receivedthe prophecy Before there is peace blood will spill blood and the lake will run red. She also had dreams were she saw jaws snapping, large paws with long sharp claws swining at her and heard cats wailing in the distance. She was given the name Leafpool during a meeting at the moonpool. Leafpool had fallen in love with a cat named Crowfeather after she was given her name. they started to meet each other when they decided to run away so that they could be together. they couldn't stay together because cats from different clans were forbidden to fall in love and to make it worse medicine cats were to never fall in love with any cat. After running away Midnight a badger that her sister met came to tell them that all the badgers were coming to destroy the clans. After hearing this they all left to help the clans. when they got there Thunderclan was being attacked by the badgers. Windclan came to save Thunderclan but too late to save Cinderpelt. At Cinderpelt's death it would mean Leafpool had no choice but to be the medicine cat since she was the only cat in the clan who was trained to be a medicine cat now. So with this she could not be with crowther any longer.

fire alone can save the clan
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
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Monday, January 17, 2011
Tigerstar was born in Thunderclan, and wasthe only kit to survive in his litter. When he became an apprentice he was trained by the heartless Thistleclaw. If Tigerpaw (Tigerstar) made one mistake Thistle would beat him. Even though it made him one of the stongest Warriors it caused tigerpaw's unkind nature.
Later on Tigerpaw became Tigerclaw and took on Ravenpaw as his apprentice. Ravenpaw had seen Tigercalw kill Redtail the Thunderclan deputy. In Tigerclaw's own atempt to become deputy. But instead Lionheart became deputy but was killed in battle against Shadowclan.
Tigerclaw then became deputy but yet that was not enogh for him. Goldenflower then fell in love with Tigerclaw and had two kits who grew up to be Tawnypelt and Brambleclaw. Later Tigerclaw grouped together a band of rouges including Brokenstar Shadowclan's former leader, to attack Thunderclan! The rouges attacked the warriors while Tigerclaw tried to kill Bluestar when she had only one life left. luckly Fireheart rescued Bluestar. Tigerstar was banished as soon as the rouges had retreated.
Tigerclaw then promised to kill every cat of Thunderclan. But before he left he asked Longtail and Darkstripe to leave with him. Both anwsered no, and with that he left.
When Tigerclaw found a rouge named Sasha and they had two more kits who grew up in Riverclan to be Hawkfrost and Mothwing. Later Shadowclan welcomed Tigerclaw in and made him their leader! Tigerclaw then became Tigerstar.
Tigerstar had been visiting with Darkstripe for help to destroy Thunderclan. Tigerstar then unleashed a pck of dogs into Thundrclan territory killing many cats including Bluestar. Fireheart becae leader and then was known as Firestar. Tigerstar still wasn't happy as just leader he wanted more. Soon Tawnypaw (Tawnypelt)
couldn't take how her Thunderclan treated her because of who her father was, so she ran away to join her father in Shadowclan.
Darkstripe fed Sorrelkit (Sorreltail) deathberries when she saw him talking to Blackfoot the Shadowclan deputy. luckly Sorrelkit pulled through and told Firestar. With that Darkstripe was bannished and left for Shadowclan.
Soon a cat named Bolder joined Shadowclan and told Tigerstar about BLOODCLAN! After getting that news Tigerstar took Bloodclan into the forest. Then tigerstar offered all the other clans to join him in a new clan that would be known as Tigerclan. Only Riverclan accepted though. Then Tigerstar showed Windclan and Thunderclan Bloodclan, and said that if they didn't join him he would send out Bloodclan upon them.
Firestar then steped forward and told all the leaders and Scourge the leader of Bloodclan what Tigerstar had done. Riverclan then betrayed Tigerclan. And Scourge then killed Tigerstar and thretend to take the forest.
Then all the clan's joined together to form Lionclan with Firestar as leader, and attacked Bloodclan. Many cats died there but Firestar killed Scourge and the rest of Bloodclan fleed. Lionclan split back into the original four clans and there was moons of peace after.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
featured cat
scourge is a nasty cat but he is very small. scourge has a high pitched voice, but he is most feared in blood clan! his collar is lined with teeth and claws of others he has killed. Tigerstar brought Scourge into the forest only to become leader of all clans. but when Firestar told all the cats what Tigerstar did to Thunderclan. Appon hearing that Scourge killed Tigerstar. as soon as that was over Scourge thretened to take the forest! but Firestar joined the clans together to form Lionclan. In the end Firestar killed Scourge and brought moons of peace to the clans.
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