Leafpool was Firestar's and sandstorm's daughter, and squirrelflight's sisiter
. Even when she was a kit leafpool wanted to be a medicine cat and leafkit became leafpaw, and cinderpelt's apprentice. When her sister and Brambleclaw left to the sundrown place leafpaw was the only cat who had known and kept it secret from the whole clan.just before her sister and brambleclaw came back twolegs took leafpaw and caged her. when she woke in the cage she found Brightheart, Cloudtail, Mistyfoot and a Windclan cat. While she was there she met a kittypet named Cody. When all the cats were saved and freed Cody stayed in Thunderclan for a while. On the journey to the new home leafpaw received a sign saying where their new home was. when they got to the new home she found the moonpool and receivedthe prophecy Before there is peace blood will spill blood and the lake will run red. She also had dreams were she saw jaws snapping, large paws with long sharp claws swining at her and heard cats wailing in the distance. She was given the name Leafpool during a meeting at the moonpool. Leafpool had fallen in love with a cat named Crowfeather after she was given her name. they started to meet each other when they decided to run away so that they could be together. they couldn't stay together because cats from different clans were forbidden to fall in love and to make it worse medicine cats were to never fall in love with any cat. After running away Midnight a badger that her sister met came to tell them that all the badgers were coming to destroy the clans. After hearing this they all left to help the clans. when they got there Thunderclan was being attacked by the badgers. Windclan came to save Thunderclan but too late to save Cinderpelt. At Cinderpelt's death it would mean Leafpool had no choice but to be the medicine cat since she was the only cat in the clan who was trained to be a medicine cat now. So with this she could not be with crowther any longer.
cool! you took a lot a time to type about her life...but, you forgot about her kits and that stuff... but one more thing..you spelled crowfeather wrong lol good job!